
"The Survivor"

Fotografía enviada al concurso
International Portrait Photography Awards 2020

Acerca de esta foto:

The image was part of a project looking at a veteran who has been affected by war and is now adjusting to civilian life. Donald who was part of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders where he witnessed friends, colleagues and civilians killed by war. This image is taken at Donald's home to highlight that he is a regular person like everyone else, except he now carries the burdens from past events as a solider. The project simply demonstrating that anyone can be affected by war and there should be more support available for service people.


24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

    1/125s  f/2.8  ISO100

 Adobe Photoshop 21.1 (Macintosh)

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Tomada:9 de marzo de 2020 18:25
Categoría: "Retrato"
