Niko Rodamel

Niko Rodamel

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Certificados obtenidos




photo contest Black&White International Photography Awards 2020
photo contest Black&White International Photography Awards 2020
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"Vivo y trabajo en Francia. Cuando viajo, primero fotografío a la gente porque la decoración es para mí, la mayoría de las veces, solo un telón de fondo. Es solo después del hecho de que me doy cuenta de que el sujeto vive en la decoración o, a veces, al revés " "I live and work in France. When I travel, I photograph people first because the decor is for me, most of the time, only a backdrop. It is only after the fact that I realize that the subject lives in the decor, or sometimes the reverse." "Je vis et travaille en France. Quand je voyage, je photographie d'abord l'humain parce que le décor n'est pour moi, la plupart du temps, qu'une toile de fond. C'est seulement après coup que je prends conscience que le sujet habite le décor, ou parfois l'inverse." A short biography : Niko Rodamel was born in 1970 in Saint-Etienne (France). Not only is this multi-faceted man a globe trotter and a photographer, a journalist and a trainer, but he is also a teacher. He’s been addicted to photography for thirty years and he entertains it thanks to music and travels, which he is passionate about. Culture is his favorite topic, he writes about it with either photos or words for several medias and for his own account, with MezzoGrafik agency. An insatiable adventurer, the artist has visited more than 20 countries with his Nikons. He has wandered through four continents: Northern and Caribbean America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Both his exhibitions and his publications show that he loves to meet people, and to share with them.


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